Thinking about writing a book?

Let’s capture your story.


Out West Publishing

My proven program to share your story & publish your book in six months or less

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Kelli Kissack in cowboy boots

Have something to share?

I know you do.

Your story is unique.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur with business advice to impart, a pastor with wisdom to teach, or just someone who has lived and learned a lot, there’s a book burning a hole inside you.

I’m here to bring that book to light.

Out West Publishing is perfect for:

Business books

Ministry books

Legacy books

Nonfiction books

Health & wellness books

Business books • Ministry books • Legacy books • Nonfiction books • Health & wellness books •

Here’s how it works:

Why Kelli Kissack?

Because your story deserves a writer you can trust.

I’m here to tell your story, but if you want to hear a little of mine…

I’ve been writing professionally for more than 10 years and have hosted hundreds of interviews with authors, entrepreneurs, and the West’s leading ladies.

I became a Certified Legacy / StoryWay Guide in 2019, was hired as Lead Writer at Throne Publishing in 2021, and have ghostwritten dozens of successful books since then.

Ultimately, prospective authors choose me because they trust me.

Yes, you’ll get a great book published — but you’ll also get encouragement, coaching, and experience along the way.

Let’s do this.

 You may be wondering…

  • I won’t sugarcoat it: publishing a book is an investment. Every project is custom quoted, but you can expect to spend between ten to twenty-five thousand depending on the scope and nature of your project. That said, I have never had an author tell me they regret the process. Not only do they report a positive ROI financially, they also share the intangible benefits of leaving a long-term legacy, both for themselves and for their families.

  • Before we begin your project, we’ll set goals for your book, both financial and otherwise. In addition to book sales, there are numerous other ways to recoup your investment; much like a website, a book elevates all your pursuits after it’s launched. For many authors, the personal fulfillment factor of writing a book is worth it alone. If you’re concerned about the investment, I encourage you to reach out to me to discuss your options. Your story deserves to be told!

  • Most books are published within four to six months of starting the project. If you need an expedited process, let me know; we may be able to finish sooner.

  • Wonderful! You can request a custom quote by filling out my contact form here. I’ll get back to you ASAP with my availability and cost. I’m excited about the prospect of working with you!

“Kelli has been incredible to work with. Not only is she extremely organized and efficient, but the way she tells the stories we have so delicately chosen is also like no other. Kelli doesn't romanticize the difficulties that some go through. Instead, she highlights the strengths they gain from them. We are so grateful for her.”

Janzen Tew

Janzen Tew

Owner of Western Runway Magazine & Founder of Denim & Velvet Marketing   

Ready to write your story?

Because I am!

You’re only six months (or less) from holding your book in your hands.

Trust me — you will never regret investing the time or money in telling your story.

And neither will your children, grandchildren, and anyone else you hope to bless.

You just have to take the first step.